Friday, April 4, 2008

It All Started...

January 28,1995. That is when it all started. Little did I know that the boy I was about to meet on my first blind date, (a favor to my friend) would end up being my eternal companion and father to our four children.

After almost 2 years of dating, Tony and I were married on November 16,1996 in the Salt Lake Temple. We soon bought a little house in Taylorsville, and had so much fun being newlyweds!

A couple of years later, Tony graduated from the "U" and I found out I was pregnant. Our sweet little Zoe was born in March, 1999. She was very cute, but cried a lot! I have to admit, I was scared to have anymore kids. How could I handle another baby that cried non-stop for 6 months? When Zoe was 2 1/2, we moved into our current house. A few months later Sophie was born! What a little sweetheart. She was such a good baby, I couldn't believe how easy and fun it was to have 2 kids.

Tony told me we were done with two kids, I was pretty sure that in 3 or so years I could talk him into one more...A few weeks after Sophie celebrated her first birthday, I found out I was pregnant, with TWINS! What a shocker that was. We don't have twins anywhere on either side of our families.

I remember the first thing Tony said in the doctor's office after he told us that he saw two little babies on the ultrasound screen,"We don't have a choice, we are going to have to buy a mini van." Tony will deny it, but I am positive that I saw a few tears of fear roll down his cheeks that day.

Connor and Emma were born December 1st 2003. It was a very difficult time for our family. Their whole first year of life is pretty much a blur. I think that is from the sleep deprivation. Emma spent a lot of time in the hospital for different reasons, and Tony spent everyone one of those nights(or days, he worked the night shift back then) on a make-shift bed next to her.

All is well now. Total chaos has replaced the fear we once felt of having four kids ages 4 and under. Connor and Emma are now 4 years old, and doing well. They are in preschool and love it. Connor loves dinosaurs, sharks and me, his mommy almost as much as he loves his thumb. Emma is a wild women. She is full of energy and is always in trouble. She loves to change her clothes many times a day, and make as many messes in as short amount of time as possible. Sophie just turned 6. She is in kindergarten and loves it. She loves to read, littlest pet shop,High School Musical and playing with her friends. Zoe just turned 9. She is a social butterfly. She loves Hannah Montana, Webkinz, playing with friends,dance class,and getting new clothes. I can't believe how fast time goes by. It seems like only yesterday that Tony and I were dating, and here it is 13 years later. What can I do to slow down time?


Evie said...

You did it! WOO HOO! GOOD JOB!!!! I LOVE your family!