Monday, September 15, 2008

A Horrible Fever

Last week was a pukey one. Emma started throwing up on Tuesday, and it continued on. I don't usually freak out about puking, but she had a fever too, and I was just worried when it had gone on for so long. I was working on Friday, so I had Tony bring Emma up to my office and I had Dr. Andersen take a look at her. He felt she was on the mend. She was running around the office,laughing and playing, totally making me look like an irrational mother. So, she went home with Tony and Connor while I spent the rest of my shift not worrying about her. Around 6:00 I got a frantic phone call from Tony, he said he had just taken Emma's temperature, and it was 106 degrees! He had taken everyone Else's in the house just to make sure our thermometer wasn't screwed up, and sure enough, it was just Emma who had the horribly high fever. To say the least, I freaked out a bit, and told him I would meet him at the Instacare by our house. I am not a fan of Instacare, but I wanted to get her somewhere fast, and I thought that if needed, they could have her transported elsewhere. Tony did call me once while he was en route, and he said that she wasn't very alert. This made me more frantic. When I arrived at Instacare, I noticed that Tony's car was not in the parking lot. I ran in there, (knowing he should have been there long before me), almost yelling at the receptionist, demanding to know where my daughter was. I do feel bad now, the little receptionist just looked at me with a horrified look on her face and said, we don't have any children here right now. I immediately called Tony's cell phone, no answer. I called again, no answer. After 5 minutes of this he finally answered but said "I can't talk", and hung up on me.This is when my imagination went into overdrive I could see Tony on the side of the road trying to preform CPR on my lifeless little Emma in my head. I sat on the lawn in front of Instacare and sobbed. I didn't know what to do. I really thought that I might lose my mind. During this time I had many supportive calls from Evie,asking what she could do, thank you Eve! And thanks to my mom, who ran out to my house to take care of the rest of my children while all of this was going on. Anyway, a few minutes later, Tony called and said he went to IMC Hospital. He was in the E.R., and Emma was already being examined. I was on my way. The traffic was horrendous. It seemed to take me forever to get to her. When I walked into her room she look up at me and yelled "Mommy your here!" with delight. Her fever had already gone down to 102.7.

What a relief! We did spend the next 8 hours in the E.R. trying to find out what was wrong with her. She had to get an I.V.. It took 4 people to hold her down for that. She may be little, but she is STRONG. She had an abdominal CT to check for appendicitis, but all the doctors could find was a kidney infection. Emma had kidney reflux as an infant, so this is something we are going to investigate further with her pediatrition later this week.

Her fever has gotten much better, the highest it has been the whole weekend was on Saturday, it got up to 104.7. I kept her home from school today, she seems like she feels perfect. She is running around, making big messes just like her old self.

She is singing the words to the Barbie and the Diamond Castle...Isn't she good?

She is always dressing up in something it's my apron and sunglasses


Evie said...

Emma ROCKS!:) Glad she is ok! What a crappy weekdend for you...:( Lets do something way fun next weekend!

Mele said...

A fever that high would freak me out! I had Jackson in the ER last winter with 105 and I thought that was high!

Brean said...

Oh my gosh Ash I that story made me cry! Thank goodness she is OK! Heaven forbid that happen to me! I don't know if I feel worse for you or Emma!!!!