Monday, November 3, 2008

My Friend Ashley

Hello people coming to Ashley's blog hoping to read some of Ashley's warm witted blogging. Instead it is I, Eve, Ashley's friend since middle school. I broke in here secretly to sing praises to my beautiful lovely friend Ashley. I just wanted her to know how much I love and appreciate her. She has been there for me during the hardest time in my life. Always showing love and concern for me. Always taking the time to be there for me. And I know there isn't anything she wouldn't do for me.:)The laughter we have shared has truly been the best medicine a girl could ask for. I thank my father in heaven every night for blessing me with such a true kindred spirit! I LOVE YOU, I hope you know that!!!!!!:) Ok, sorry people who don't know me, but are forced to be reading my ramblings, but you know Ashley, and I am sure you know just what I am talking about since you are blessed to know her as well!


Mrs. A said...

What a beautiful tribute to Ashley. Like Ashley, you are also a great person, Eve. I have wonderful memories of both of you. I'm glad we can keep in touch.

Ashley said...

Oh my gosh, you are too sweet. And thank you. My blog was definately in need of an update and that is a great one.

Liz Morrey Romrell said...

You are a very very fun person to be around, Ashley. I never laugh as hard as when I'm with you and Eve. Thanks for letting me tag along with you guys and be blessed by your friendships!

Mele said...

Amen is all I can say! Ashley you draw people in with your charming ways! I wish I lived close by so I could try to push my way in to your group of friends! ha ha Seriously, Ashley, you are wonderful!!

Julie said...

First of all, you need to blog more that once a month!!! You are the best. You are always there when I need someone (which some weeks is a lot). I know Tony feels betrated (I still love you Tony), but you mean a lot to me and I am glad we are friends!

Brean said...

Its true I am very blessed to know you!! Too bad we can never find a time to get together! Anyway those monkey are freakin cute!