Saturday, August 23, 2008

Shoe Love

One afternoon last week I decided it was time to stop procrastinating, and to just dive in head first (literally) and clean out Zoe and Sophie's closet. This is one of the messiest places in the house. Everything just gets shoved in there. About once every 6 months or so, I clean it out and organize it. I tell the girls that it is their responsibility to keep it clean, and 6 months later I do it again. Well, it is time again to repeat this process, however, I think it has been more like 8 months this time.

Well anyway, I got started. A D.I. bag on one side of me, and a garbage bag on the other. Whenever I would come across a shoe I would throw it behind me into a pile.
(I would have to see which child they fit.) Two D.I. bags, one garbage bag and one hour later I was done! Yippee. All I had to do was match up the shoes that I had thrown into the center of the room, make the girls try them on, discard the old ones and I would be done until sometime next spring. What a relief, Or so I thought. As I started pairing up the shoes, I noticed that there were more than 20 pair! 25 to be exact! How was this possible? How did two little girls, ages 9 and 6 acquire so many shoes? As I studied the pile, I was hoping to find that they were a couple of years old. They weren't. All shoes had been purchased from last July on. Some of them were birthday gifts, one pair was from last Christmas, another for Camp. A pair of ballet slippers, Jazz shoes, soccer shoes were in there too. I didn't even bother counting the numerous pairs of slippers and flip-flops. The remaining shoes were just for school.

What have I done? Have I created little shoe-loving mini-me's? I do have a love of shoes. Have I passed the Shoe Love gene on to my girls, or are they just the willing recipients of my obsession?

When I went to elementry school, I had two pair of shoes, one pair of tennis shoes, and one pair of nice shoes should I ever need to wear a dress to school. I know that I always wanted to be like one of those cool girls who had cute shoes to go with each outfit, maybe I am living vicariously through Zoe and Sophie.

What ever the reason is, I know I LOVE to buy shoes, but I need to get a grip when it comes to my girls. (poor little Connor doesn't have many shoes, I guess I don't think they make cute shoes for boys...) This year they are only getting new shoes if their old ones are too small. We went shoes shopping today, everyone got 2 new pair and that is it until snow boots! (or possibly a really good sale. What? You can't expect me to go cold turkey!)


Evie said...

Shoes smoooes... I want to know how your other purchases from Saturday night went over.....;)

Mele said...

Oh, I definitely have shoe love too. If I had a little girl we'd really be in trouble!

Madre said...

I hope you didn't feel too bad that you had only two pair of shoes in grade school. I walked up hill to and from school, and didn't have any shoes! Love ya.

Ashley said...

I guess I'll get over it after many costly years of therapy.

love you mummy.